Collage Your World, with Sully McCarthy

Have fun playing with photographic and illustrated images, as well as natural materials at hand in our own natural environment , and ephemera, such as ticket stubs, stamps, news clippings, or other souvenirs, to create a work of art that Continue reading →

Stephen King’s Maine, with author Sharon Kitchens

Much of western Maine reads like a Stephen King novel. The dense, dark woods and backcountry ponds. The century-old houses with gravel driveways and immense flower gardens—acres of farmland miles from a highway. Serpentine country roads dotted with farm stands Continue reading →

Sewing Adventures: Pencil Case Roll-Up

Do you need to keep track of your favorite pencil and eraser?  Do you love to write, but need a case to stash your pens?  Sew a case with pockets for your favorite drawing + writing tools, pens, pencils, markers Continue reading →