Set out on a fantastical quest with a magical crew of characters in this all levels D&D Campaign. We’ll start out on September 19 with character design, and continue every Thursday afternoon. Beginners welcome! Please register below! Loading…
Looking for a comfortable and cozy spot to join other writers? Come to TML’s Fireside Writing program! Fireside Writing gives you the space and opportunity to work alongside fellow writers and reach your writing goals. Bring your laptop or your … Continue reading →
TLC: Teen Leadership Council Last Friday of Each Month, 2:45-3:45 pm The Teen Leadership Council (TLC) is a group of young people who want to take a more active role in our library community. TLC makes book and informational displays, … Continue reading →
Help shape the future of the teen space and... Earn volunteer hours Advise on library policies Design new programs The Teen Leadership Council (TLC) will meet once a month on the last Friday of the month. Among other topics meetings … Continue reading →