The Town Of Cape Elizabeth has established the Thomas Memorial Library to provide a place where patrons, with the assistance of an experienced and helpful staff, can explore the wealth of human knowledge through a dynamic collection of printed material and related resources selected for the community.
The Thomas Memorial Library is a municipal department within the Town of Cape Elizabeth. Our funding comes primarily from property taxes paid to the Town by the residents of Cape Elizabeth, and is supplemented by donor gifts. The Thomas Memorial Library has a seven-member advisory Thomas Memorial Library Committee, each of whom serves a three-year term. The Committee advises the Director of the Thomas Memorial Library of library needs and on the quality and scope of the services provided by the Thomas Memorial Library. They advocate for adequate support and assist in the formulation of policy.
The Thomas Memorial Library Foundation is a separate 501C3 organization dedicating to fundraising in support of the library’s programs and services. Click here to visit their website.
The library’s taxing authority is the Cape Elizabeth Town Council, which approves selection of library board members and which, at the Board’s request, may place ballot issues before the public.
The Thomas Memorial Library is a member of the Maine InfoNet Minerva Consortium, a group of resource-sharing libraries which includes more than sixty public, school, academic, and special libraries throughout the state. We are also a member of the Maine InfoNet Download Library, which provides free downloadable eBooks and audiobooks to library cardholders.