For readers in grades K – 6


Read to a Dog at Thomas Memorial LibfaryAbout The Program

Reading is more fun when your book buddy is a dog! Have you heard the news? After a very long “paws,” during the pandemic, our Read to a Dog program has returned! Children in grades K – 6 can sign up for a short reading session with one of our visiting certified therapy dogs. A fun way to practice reading aloud, and a great stress reducer if you love cute canines. Currently, Walter visits on Tuesday afternoons from 2:00-3:00 pm and Phil is here on Wednesdays from 3:00 – 4:00 pm. You can register for a 15 minute time slot on the sign up sheets in the children’s room, or call 799-1720 x 287.


Benefits of Reading to a Dog

Some of the documented benefits of therapy with animals include lowering of blood pressure and heart rate, increased relaxation, and a tendency to forget about pain and limitations.

A research study almost 30 years ago found that when children get nervous, especially when talking to others, their blood pressure can rise very high, but that if a dog joins the scene, blood pressure will go down very low, whether the child and dog are sitting quietly together or whether the child is reading to the dog. We suspect part of that is because dogs are so trustworthy–people just know they don’t have to be self-conscious or worried or embarrassed when they’re with a dog!

Remember that even most adults are terrified of public speaking, and most of us have forgotten how daunting it is to have to expound in front of our peers. Often, kids who are learning to read get stressed, not because they aren’t capable of reading but because they get nervous and self-conscious, they worry about making mistakes, they worry about looking dumb-and all those worries make it hard to focus. They dread reading in front of their friends, so they often “freeze up” and things just get worse. When they read with a dog, right away they start to relax, and then they forget about feeling self-conscious or nervous, and pretty soon things start to flow a little better. Before they know it, they are enjoying the experience of reading instead of dreading it, they’re even looking forward to the next time. It is simple, and it works beautifully! It also extends beyond the immediate reading experience-many teachers have noted that children who participate in the R.E.A.D. program start to raise their hands and speak out in class when they never could before.

(Adapted from R.E.A.D., Reading Education Assistance Dogs)

A note to parents: This program currently takes place either outside in the children’s garden or in the conference room of the library. The program works best if your child is in the area alone with the dog and his handler–otherwise, the experience becomes an exercise in reading to the parent, instead of reading to the dog.  If your child does not want you to leave while he or she reads, that’s okay, but it would be best to stay off to the side as much as possible. 

Book an Appointment

By stopping by the children’s room and filling in the sign-up sheet!